The company Oceánica de Seguros, issuer of the policies that supported the import of Chinese cement by Juan Carlos Bolaños, refuses to pay the Bank of Costa Rica (BCR) the compensation for the credit granted in favor of Sinocem. On December 28th, Oceania rejected the claim and payment of the insurance policies CAUC-912, CAUC-1158, CAUC-968, […]
Archives for January 2018
Three men were arrested in the northern border with thousands of dollars
On Tuesday afternoon, officers of the Public Force apprehended three men suspected of transporting 16 thousand dollars of dubious origin on a vehicle. The incident happened in Corrales Negritos de La Cruz, border with Nicaragua, when the Public Force carried out a roadblock. At the time of arrest, the subjects behaved nervously, so they were […]
Venezuela announced early presidential elections
On Tuesday, Diosdado Cabello, former president of the National Assembly of Venezuela, announced that the presidential elections will be held before April 30th. The organization of the elections is in the hands of the National Electoral Council, which must set a date as soon as possible. These elections, which were scheduled for the end of […]
UCR signs agreement with University of the Arab Emirates
The University of Costa Rica (UCR) and the American University of Sharjah signed a memorandum of understanding as part of the political and diplomatic exchange promoted by the Foreign Ministry. The agreement provides a framework for cooperation that will facilitate collaboration between both institutions in the area of research and exchanges. The president of the […]
Rust keeps threatening the country
According to estimates from the Research Unit of the Technical Management of the Coffee Institute of Costa Rica (Icafé), the threat of an increase in coffee rust remains high in the regions of Coto Brus, Pérez Zeledón and Turrialba, known as areas of early rippening. A very favorable climate persists that allows the formation of […]
Taxi drivers will demonstrate again against Uber today
A group of taxi drivers will go with their vehicles to the Public Ministry on Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. with the objective of filing a complaint against public officials for failure to comply with duties and other charges. The protesters will meet in Tibás and Desamparados at 9:30 in the morning, to meet later in […]