The economic crisis in Venezuela has hit families hard. According to the results of the 2017 Survey on Living Conditions in the country (Encovi), 80% of households do not eat properly and more than half of the country’s parents stop eating to feed their children. One of the medical specialists participating in the study said […]
Archives for February 2018
PAC candidate contradicts himself on fast track to taxes
In a matter of one hour, the presidential candidate of the Citizen Action Party (PAC), Carlos Alvarado, changed his position regarding the urgency for the Legislative Assembly to approve a fast track for new taxes. After a meeting with legislators of the National Liberation Party ( PLN ) on Monday, he said he does not […]
Authorities found a fishing boat with no permits 300 Km from the coast
Martin Arias, Coastguard Director, assured that the Bismark vessel, with Puntarenas license plate P-9781, did not have a fishing permission to cover 300 kilometers from the coast, but only 75 kilometers, and it also did not have a Global Positioning System (GPS) with which the authorities would have located it more quickly. Arias reported that […]
Companies support program for refugee employment
More than 60 service and tourism companies participated in the first business event of the Vivir la Integración Dimensión Empleo (Living integration, Employment dimension) program, with the aim of giving jobs to refugees in the country. The statistics of the authorities indicate that almost 50% of refugees live in unemployment. Faced with this situation, UNHCR […]
Costa Rica and Cuba sign agreement on sustainable livestock
The Vice Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Ivannia Quesada Villalobos, and the Ambassador of Cuba in Costa Rica, Danilo Sánchez Vásquez, signed a cooperation agreement aiming at having both countries advance in the issue of sustainable livestock. This agreement implies the participation of the Ministries of Agriculture and Livestock of both nations and will facilitate […]
Breast milk donors are required urgently
The Banco de Leche Materna Carolina Vega Foundation urgently requires donors of breast milk who reside in La Sabana, Tibás, Heredia, Moravia, Guadalupe, Tres Ríos, Escazú, or Santa Ana. According to the institution’s officials, the only milk bank, located in San Ramón, is not receiving enough milk per week, so they call on mothers of […]