The west esplanade of the National Stadium will become the great stage for young people and the Costa Rican family to enjoy the second edition of II “Viva el Café Festival 2018” this weekend from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. The fair, which celebrates the quality of the Costa Rican gold grain, will take place […]
Archives for February 2018
SINAC has not delivered studies on crocodile population
Puerto Jiménez and Río Claro are some of the areas of the country that have witnessed crocodile attacks on people. On February 18th, Golfito Hospital received two of these cases. Despite this situation and despite the fact that the Ministry of Environment and Energy asked the National Crocodile Commission for studies on the population of […]
Venezuelans’ asylum request increase by 1033%
In recent weeks, the international community and different media have reported that Venezuela is going through a “mass exodus”. The shortage of food and medicines, the violence in the streets, the lack of employment and the discontent with Maduro’s regime have made many Venezuelans want to leave their country in search of better opportunities. So […]
Irazú Lake increased one meter in 30 days
In a matter of one month, the Irazú volcanic lake increased its level by one meter. The body of water, which reappeared in October 2017 after seven years of absence, is one of the main attractions of this colossus. Currently, the lake has is seven meters deep and it has an estimated water volume of […]
BCR appoints new interim managers
On Tuesday, the Board of Directors of the Bank of Costa Rica (BCR) appointed Douglas Soto as the new internal general manager, who until now has been the manager of the entity’s Insurance Brokerage Company. The appointment is effective as of February 26th. In the position of assistant manager, the body appointed Álvaro Camacho, current […]
New project to study aquifers in Costa Rica
The Ministry of Environment and Energy and the Geological Service of the United States signed an agreement to evaluate the country’s aquifers. The agreement is called “Mapping of underground water resources in Costa Rica” and it will allow, through high technology, to obtain images and information on the characteristics of the surface, infrastructure, rocks, and […]