Sustainable agriculture, climate change, strategies to end hunger, food security, inequality, and family farming are some of the topics in the agenda of the 35th Regional Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and Agriculture (FAO). The meeting takes place in Montego, Jamaica. Ivannia Quesada, […]
Archives for March 2018
MOPT warns about new scam to banks and businesses
A new scam that uses the names of the officials of the Ministry of Public Works and Transportation has become the new criminal trend. Therefore, officials are warning business and financial institutions to be aware of the situation. The altered documents are identity cards, salary records with higher incomes than those earned by officials, and […]
Costa Rica leads historic regional agreement on environmental issues
Costa Rica joined a regional initiative that aims to guarantee the rights of access to information, participation and justice in environmental issues. Twenty-four Latin America and the Caribbean countries participated in the agreement during the IX Meeting of the Negotiation Committee held in Costa Rica. “Escazú Agreement” is the instrument that also constitutes a historical […]
Costa Rica moves slowly on the issue of recycling
According to data provided by the Ministry of Health, the country has made progress in the ways of disposing of solid waste. However, it has done so slowly in the issue of recycling. From 2014 to 2016 it went from 1.26% to 6.06% in this regard. Eugenio Adrovetto, Director of the Department of Protection of […]
Costa Rican Satellite will travel to space in Falcon 9 Rocket
The first Costa Rican satellite will be launched in space on the powerful Falcon 9 rocket from SpaceX on April 2nd, along with other equipment from the Japanese Agency for Aerospace Exploration (Jaxa). The Technological Institute of Costa Rica (TEC) reported that the so-called Irazú Project aims to measure the level of growth of the […]
Costa Rica moves slowly to have regulations and taxes on plastic
This week the Municipality of San José announced that it will fight to reduce the consumption of single-use plastics, such as straws, plastic bags and styrofoams. It will do so with internal and external actions, including a pilot project in Barrio Escalante stores and incentives for the patents. The initiatives aim to sensitize and encourage, […]