Seven foreign doctors who work in hospitals of the Costa Rican Social Security Fund (CCSS) since 2017, stopped doing so in January due to the lack of renewal of permits. This is the requirement of approval of the equalization examination of qualifications prepared by the University of Costa Rica (UCR) and with the endorsement of […]
Archives for March 8, 2019
Cost of education rose in February, but fuels fell
In February, the cost of private elementary and secondary education rose above 4% and the university cost rose about 0.35%. Meanwhile, fuels fell by 4.45%. Just like these, 53% of the 315 goods and services that make up the consumer basket increased in price, 39% decreased in price and 8% did not change. As a […]
Alvarado heard experiences and requests from female police officers
Marjorie Jiménez is a 39-year-old woman who has three children and one on the way. She is also one of the 2,500 women who work as police officers in the Public Force. Marjorie began her police career when she was 19 years old and has had to fight her way through a sector that is […]
94% of children have already been vaccinated against measles
Nearly 95% of children under 10 years old have already been vaccinated against measles. The news was offered this Thursday, by Roberto Cervantes, general manager of the Costa Rican Social Security Fund (CCSS), who stressed that this percentage of coverage is very satisfactory, since it is close to the proposed goal when there are still […]
Strong winds brought down historical building in Zarcero
On Thursday, The strong gusts of wind took a toll on the Event Hall of Otilio Ulate Blanco School in Zarcero. The building -a historical site in Alajuela- had severe problems in its infrastructure, because it did not resist the ravages of the strong winds and ended up collapsing. According to Gustavo Alfaro, director of […]
UN: Equality between men and women is possible… If men do more at home
The professional disparities between men and women have not seen a true decrease in the last 25 years and the situation will change when men assume more household chores, according to calculations published by the UN on Thursday the eve of International Women’s Day. The International Labor Organization (ILO) revealed in a new report that […]