In a recent study, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) warned that failure to stop the sea level rise due to climate change in time would cause costs of about 4% of the world’s gross domestic product (GDP). The Organization, to which Costa Rica aspires to enter in the medium term, stressed that […]
Archives for July 2019
Tourists saved whales trapped in nets
A group of divers, tourists and coastguard officers who sailed in the waters of Drake Bay (Osa, Puntarenas) saved a whale and its calves that were trapped in nets in the South Pacific. Without thinking twice when they saw the cetaceans approach, men and women threw themselves into the water with knives and pliers to […]
Regional police chiefs meet in Costa Rica
The top representatives of the police forces of the region are gathered in the country in ordinary meeting of the Commission Chiefs and Directors of Police of Central America, Mexico, the Caribbean and Colombia. In the session, different strategies to combat organized crime are analyzed. Likewise, the migratory phenomena and crimes such as human trafficking, […]
Franchises generate almost 30,500 jobs in Costa Rica
The franchise sector generates some 30,469 jobs in the country, both for franchisees and franchisors. In total, in Costa Rica there are 361 brands of this type, 81 of which are national. In fact, the sector has had a growth of 141% in the last ten years, according to the National Franchise Center. Currently, 14 […]
Basic Rate reaches its lowest level in 2019
After several weeks on the rise, this Wednesday the Basic Passive Rate (TBP) reached its lowest level of the year and now it stands at 5.90%, after a drop of 0.10 points compared last week, according to the Central Bank. The Basic Passive Rate is an average of the rates paid by financial institutions for […]
Health unions call for a general strike in the CCSS
The negotiation table between the unions of the health sector, the Costa Rican Social Security Fund (CCSS) and the Ministry of Labor (MTSS) failed, and that is why the union members called for a general strike. This was reported by the National Union of Employees of the Fund and Social Security (Undeca), but the decision […]