Pedro Muñoz, from the Social Christian Unity Party (PUSC), responded on Wednesday to the president of the Supreme Court of Justice, Fernando Cruz, and pointed out three complaints. In an intervention in the Legislative Plenary, Muñoz mentioned alleged abuses of the magistrates of the Judiciary to benefit the Citizen Action Party (PAC) and accused Cruz […]
Archives for November 7, 2019
Low income hits the middle class directly: consumption capacity falls
If there is a segment directly hit by a real decline in revenue over the past year, it’s the Costa Rican middle class. The families that make up the third quintile of the population, those households where the average per capita income is ₡717 thousand per month according to the National Institute of Statistics and […]
Development Bank reacts to the Ombudsman’s report
The Banking System for Development (SBD) reacted to the report “Banking System for Development and its potential to fight poverty,” prepared by the Ombudsman’s Office. The latter pointed out several shortcomings to meet SBD money recipients. This was stated in a press release. The analysis was carried out and presented by Ana Karina Zeledón, director […]
President of UCCAEP resigns
This Wednesday, and after weeks of criticism for his administration, Gonzalo Delgado, resigned as president of the Union of Chambers and Associations of the Private Business Sector (UCCAEP). A press release sent by UCCAEP says that Delgado made the decision in order to strengthen the unity of the business sector. On the initiative of Mr. […]
CNE declares green alert for the Caribbean and the North Zone
The National Emergency Commission (CNE) declared a green alert on Wednesday for the Caribbean and the Northern Zone of the country, due to heavy rains in recent days. Tropical wave number 46 entered the country on Wednesday morning causing rainy conditions in the Caribbean, North Zone and part of the Central Valley, so the entity […]