American Expatriate Costa Rica

78% of the national police stations are in bad or regular conditions

According to deputy minister of Public Security Bernandita Marín, about 78% of the national police stations are in bad or regular conditions.

The official explained that the information was obtained after visiting each of the sites, but the number may have changed to date, because authorities have improved the conditions of some and some others have been rented. Marín informed that they have already delivered 4 stations that belong to the IDB (Inter-American Development Bank) and there are 3 more that need to be finished.

Although police stations with problems are distributed throughout the country, there are more in rural areas.

In addition, There are 18 stations that are part of a project carried out along with the Federated Association of Engineers and Architects (CIA).

By 2014, there were 180 stations that were considered to be in “bad conditions”. Most of them were located in Cartago, Guanacaste and North Chorotega.

Marín also declared that there is not an agreement to intevene some of the stations located in rented places. However, officials are looking for some mechanisms that will allow them to establish the powers of the Ministry of Public Security regarding their maintenance.