The Hemodialysis service in San Juan de Dios Hospital is working normally, after the alarm was triggered by a gas leak in a coolant hose of an air conditioner located in the medical center.
Maritza Campos, administrator of the medical center, said that in the presence of smoke, the protocol established in the Costa Rican Social Security Fund (CCSS) was activated and immediately the hospital’s Brigade arrived, the engineering and technical personnel in maintenance and the Fire brigade. Campos said that this gas is not toxic, nor was any third party involvement.
The official said that the respective assessments have already been made and the only drawback is that patients who go to Hemodialysis will not have air conditioning for now. The woman also clarified that it was not a fire, as some media have been saying.
The medical center has a preventive and maintenance contract with the company “Ideal Climate Control” which was already called to replace the hose and for repairs.
Campos said that more than 3 billion colones are being invested in repairs such as changing luminaires, replacing roof decks, improving boilers, supplying medical gases, changing steam pipes and improve the Bunker storage system.