Sueña en Colores Association
This story started 10 years ago, but it is far from being over. It is a story that colors Costa Ricans’ future, who are confident and able to achieve great things in life.
That is Sueña en Colores Association mission: it is an art-therapy program with which children work on bullying, face their fears and discover that they can live together in a non-violent environment. At the moment, they are working with more than 500 children from public schools in Escazú, Curridabat and La Pastora, in the foothills of Irazú Volcano.
The Association is supported by donations and sponsorships. You can be part of this initiative.
“Adopte un chancho” is a campaign to recruit people that can take a clay piggy bank, fill it and return it to the Association.
There are two ways to help:
-You can buy the pig and the paintings to decorate it as you wish (3,500 colones).
-You can adopt the pig, decorated by the children, and take it without paying, after signing a contract.
They also do workshops, craft courses and even birthday parties. People can visit the place to spend a little time painting, decorating or creating a dreamcatcher. The place is also opened on Sundays.
If you, and the company you work for, want to go further, you can become sponsors, because there are schools waiting to join the program and there is no way to help them.
As these children continue to paint dreams, you have the opportunity to make them come true.