Hurricane Otto affected many families who lost their homes in the cantons of Upala and Bagaces. A year after that event, 163 families are waiting for a housing solution.
Sixty-two of these families are already in the process of presenting files that must be approved by the Mortgage Bank of Housing before starting construction.
In Bagaces, 86 families were affected, 27 of which try to find a solution at this time. In Upala, 77 homes were affected and 35 families are now closer to having their new home.
After the process of receiving the documents and their subsequent approval in the Banhvi is completed, comes the final stage that contemplates the construction and delivery of the house to the affected families,”
said Rosendo Pujol, Housing Minister.
The hierarch explained there is no definite date to have that construction for those who are already processing it, much less for the rest of the families that have not yet begun that process.
In addition, Pujol assures that there are around 30 families that do not qualify to have a new house, since they are not nationals and do not have papers, or for other reasons.