The new chancellor of the Republic, Manuel Ventura, arrived on Wednesday in the Yellow House, headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with a message of change and positivism for its officials, after only a few weeks ago they were even threatened with layoffs over irregular action and illegal appointments during Epsy Campbell’s leadership in that institution.
The new minister presented himself officially with the diplomatic corps of the Foreign Ministry and its administrative staff and asked for their support to recover the reputation of that ministry and the foreign policy of the country, after months of accusations of having turned into an employment exchange. The new leader also promised a better internal coexistence during his tenure.
We are living a transition process, and I intend, with your help, to do everything in my power to improve, not only our reputation and prestige abroad, but also our internal coexistence and our daily work,”
said the new chancellor of the Republic.
Ventura Robles also reaffirmed his willingness to improve and strengthen the diplomatic career, something for which he’ll seek the Attorney General, Julio Jurado to talk about the resolution of this entity on the proper way to make appointments of directors in the institution.