American Expatriate Costa Rica

A bill aims to help Costa Ricans to generate their own energy

Can you imagine generating the energy your family consumes with clean sources in your backyard? A bill aims to regulate it so that more Costa Ricans can do it.

The law aims to give the possibility to households to put a panel or other type of generation for self-consumption. We want to generate the rules in order not to have problems. Costa Ricans can generate the energy they consume in their homes, they can have lower rates and at the same time, they can be connected to the power grid to use it in case of an emergency,

declared legislator Marcela Guerrero.

The project proposes the creation of a Technical Commission on Interconnected Autogeneration with representatives from the ICE, MINAE, the Ministry of Economy and other institutions. The body would be responsible for guaranteeing the application of the law, as well as applying sanctions to those who fail to do so.

The bill has not been read in plenary.