American Expatriate Costa Rica

A blue whale skeleton will be exhibited in Guanacaste


Last week the first stranding of a blue whale was reported in Costa Rica. It was a young 20-meter-long female that arrived in the coast of Santa Rosa National Park.

The case was managed by Keto Foundation and veterinarians from the National Animal Health Service (SENASA).

“We found the animal in an advanced state of decomposition. As consequence, it is impossible to determine the cause of death. The beach had already washed the animal so we picked up the skeleton. There was no evidence at the bone level that indicated any type of accident, though,”said Gabriela Hernández, veterinarian at SENSA.

The stranding of cetaceans is common in Costa Rica. Keto Foundation has treated 12 cases of species such as dolphin, bottlenose dolphins, sperm whales, humpback whales. The blue whale is the largest mammal that exists and it can measure up to 26 meters.

Although officials ignored the animal’s weight, only its tongue weighed about 3 tons.

We intend to assemble the skeleton and use it to benefit tourism or education in the area. However, to do that, we need sponsors to be able to build the skeleton, exhibit it and build a kind of enclosure to place it,

added Hernández.

If you want to help, you can call 8489-21 73 or write an email to