American Expatriate Costa Rica

A deputy minister requested not to receive the exclusive-dedication incentive

Deputy Minister of Peace Víctor Barrantes announced that he had requested not to receive the exclusive-dedication incentive, because he is in the same conditions as the officials questioned in the last weeks: they were paid the exclusive-dedication incentive without meeting the basic requirement, which is to have a bachelors degree.

Barrantes’ situation is the same: he already got graduated and he has a degree in law, but he is not a Bar member yet and, before being criticized, he preferred to consult the corresponding authorities and request to stop receiving that payment until there is an official statement. However, he will be paid 45% of extra salary because it is established by law.

The deputy minister asked the director of Human Resources to explain on what rules and guidelines he was receiving the 65% exclusive-dedication incentive. That office confirmed that the criterion was the same for the other deputy ministers. However, in order not to persist in the error, Barrantes asked to stop receiving the benefit until the situation is clear.