American Expatriate Costa Rica

A guide for road construction will be presented during APT 2016

The National Laboratory of Materials and Structural Models (LANAMME), assigned to the School of Civil Engineering at the University of Costa Rica (UCR), will present the first edition of a guide for road construction that takes into account local characteristics such as climatic conditions and soil type in the country.

The new tool, which is called “Guide Empiric, Mechanistic Pavement Design,” was developed by LANAMME to provide a technique to predict the behavior of asphalt surface under the effect of rains, vehicles and materials deterioration.

This instrument will be presented during the Conference on Accelerated Pavement Testing (APT) 2016. It started on September 19th and will end on September 21st in the Wynham Herradura Hotel and specialists from South Africa, USA, Canada, China and Costa Rica will be part of this event.

The Conference will approach topics such as routes’ performance in the long term and materials’ analysis; in addition, studies conducted in Ohio, Pretoria and Ontario will be evaluated.

Conference APT 2016 is sponsored by the Transportation Research Board (TRB) whose annual activities involve more than 7,000 engineers, scientists, researchers, and transportation professionals from the public, private and academic sectors.

This conference will bring many benefits, because road construction in Costa Rica is based on relevant criteria created for Illinois (United States), where conditions are different from the ones in the national territory.