American Expatriate Costa Rica

A puppy lived an extreme adventure!


In Buenavista de Barva de Heredia, a puppy named Mateo lived an incredible experience: while walking on its owners’ farm, it fell into a septic tank.

When a man knew about the situation, he immediately called 911. As consequence, 2 local Fire Department officials arrived to the area to help.

One of “Mateo’s rescuers” was firefighter José Andrés Alvarado, who told the puppy was about 2 weeks old and it fell in a one- meter-deep well. They lifted the cover of the septic tank, captured the animal and left it on land.

It was scared, but his mother and his owner were waiting for it. The man was very grateful.

Luis Fernando Azofeifa, firefighter at Santo Domingo de Heredia station, reported that fortunately the tank was empty when the puppy fell.