Several people have requested to adopt the newborn baby that was abandoned in the cathedral of Cartago. However, it is not about asking for it, but about qualifying to be her family.
Elizabeth Ballestero, technical manager of the National Board of Children (PANI) explained that the girl is well, in very good health, and is being cared for in an organization specialized in babies.
She underwent through exams and it all went very well, thank God. The first thousand days in a child’s life are critical for the development of their personality, stability and affectivity, the way in which a child is cared for at this time can guarantee affective bonding, so we put her in a place specialized in caring after babies while the investigation is completed,”
explained Ballestero.
The judicial authorities are currently investigating a woman, who is the main suspect of abandoning the girl. The PANI asks to speed up the process in order to guarantee the baby the right to grow in a family environment. Until this happens, the baby cannot up for adoption, even though there are almost 100 families that meet the requirements.
Ballestero emphasized that it is not about giving a baby to a family, but a family to a baby, and that is why they have to study the whole environment.
We have received some calls from the adopters to see if the girl is in condition. We look for parents that are the ones the baby needs. For example, it may be that a child has an asthma problem and the doctor says that the environment that would favor them is warm. There is a lovely family in Irazú Volcano, but not matter how lovely it is, and even if it has all the characteristics to adopt, we can´t take that child there because there are aspects that could affect their health,”
explained Ballestero.