American Expatriate Costa Rica

According to technical report, the Presidency of the Congress should’ve published tax reform

The presidency of the Congress, headed by Carolina Hidalgo, from the Citizen Action Party (PAC), had to publish the bill to strengthen public finances, in accordance with the latest substitute text, as well as carry out compulsory consultations, once the report was received from the Special Commission.

This was indicated by the Technical Services Department of the Legislative Assembly, which indicates that even though the legislative forum did not carry out such consultations or publication, it was the Presidency’s obligation, as stipulated in the article 4 Bis, subsection a of motion 208 Bis of the fast procedure that was approved for this project.

The report was sent to legislator Eduardo Cruickshank, from National Restoration, after consultation with this department. In the document, they are supported by the vote of the Constitutional Chamber 1241-2015, which stipulates the relevance of this publication, especially when dealing with tax matters.

p style=”text-align: justify;”>This report was provided on Thursday afternoon, so the legislator asked Carolina Hidalgo, president of the Congress, to publish the tax reform, a request that was denied, since the motion 208 Bis prohibits it.

Despite the request of this bench, and José María Villalta from Frente Amplio, to make a break to meet that criterion of Technical Services, Hidalgo said she would proceed to analyze the text.

Regarding the consultation of the Chamber, both motion 208 Bis and Hidalgo know it is optional and not mandatory, therefore, the signatures of 10 legislators are required to be submitted to this scrutiny.