American Expatriate Costa Rica

According to the WHO, if you are single, you are infertile… and it is good news!

The World Health Organization’s decision of redifining single people as “infertile” has not been well-received, despite the good intentions behind the concept.

David Adamson, one of the authors of the new WHO definitions, declared that the definition of infertility has changed to include the rights of all individuals to raise a family, even if they are single men or women, gays or lesbians.

By doing this, the WHO intends to facilitates access to IVF in order to guarantee that anyone can reproduce, whether that person has a partner or not.

The WHO stated that most health systems only accept those who, for biological reasons, can not have children to undergo IVF or insemination treatments. However, according to this new definition, the treatments also apply to those who do not have medical problems to conceive but have not been able to find a couple to have children. Thus, they will be considered “infertile”.