American Expatriate Costa Rica

Albino Vargas will be accused of public instigation

A group of citizens filed a complaint against union leader Albino Vargas, General Secretary of the Public and Private Employees Union (ANEP), for the alleged crime of Public Instigation.

The complaint points out that

the trade unionist has taken it upon himself to exercise an alleged trade unionism that every day becomes more violent, in damage to civil society.”

Attorney Gloria Navas made a chronology of some of the acts in which Vargas would have crossed the line in his speeches, actions and decisions

to the point that he has not only illegally abused his right to have an opinion, but that his conduct violates the law and other fundamental guarantees of citizenship.”

In the complaint they quote the call made by Vargas to block the country from border to border in a great national strike and they request precautionary measures.