American Expatriate Costa Rica

Almost 500 thousand marijuana plants were cut in Talamanca

Almost half a million marijuana plants were cut in the Talamanca area by officers of the Public Force and the Drug Control Police.

In total, 465,107 marijuana plants distributed in 48 plantations located in Cerro Tortuga, Monteverde, Arcoíris, Alto Piedra Meza, Cerro Avispero, Guayabal Arriba, Shorbata, Pejibayal and Monteverde of the Talamanca Mountain Range were eradicated.

On average the plants reached up to 3.41 meters in height.

So far this year, Public Security authorities have eradicated a total of 730,215 marijuana plants, as part of their comprehensive fight against drug trafficking. In 2017 they eradicated 1,922,645 specimens of said plant,”

said the Minister of Security in a press release.