American Expatriate Costa Rica

Ambassador Carreras was reprimanded due to a Facebook post



The Foreign Ministry, through its Foreign Service, made a wake-up call to Ambassador of Costa Rica to Cuba Rodrigo Carreras due to a post he made in his Facebook page: he gave a personal opinion on a decision regarding Mexico.

On October 14th, the ambassador criticized Mexicans’ decision to support UNESCO resolution: the organization declared that the Wailing Wall has nothing to do with Judaism.

Carreras published in his social networks the following message:

A bit contradictory that a few days after, the country holds before the UNESCO, disavowing their President, that the Western Wall and the Temmple Mount have nothing to do with Judaism.

The message was accompanied with a photo of President Enrique Peña Nieto in the Wailing Wall.

This post on the social network violates the guideline issued, which is regulated in Article 11, paragraph 21 of the Regulations under this organization, that prohibits issuing personal opinions through social media without the Foreign Service superior’s prior authorization.

The Foreign Ministry proceeded to investigate the matter and decided to warn the diplomat.

If Carreras repeats his actions, the Chancellery will have to decide whether it is a minor or severe offense in order to determine the sanctions.

During the current administration, the Foreign Ministry has had to get rid of 3 officials because their opinions in the press and social networks generated controversy.