American Expatriate Costa Rica

“Amigos de la salud” visit Heredia again

Amigos de la Salud (Friends of Health) program returns to Barva de Heredia. It aims to instill healthy habits of life of boys and girls.

The initiative of Coopesiba (cooperative that manages 16 Ebais in Heredia), selects a group of students of a school of the canton and executes dynamic activities for the promotion of four fundamental axes:

– Healthy nutrition
– Physical activity
– Mental health
– Oral health

On March 17th, the process will resume with 28 fourth-grade children from the Arturo Morales School in San José de la Montaña.

The children will share two lessons per month. According to Jonathan Herrera, a physics educator, outdoor activities are promoted to keep children away from a sedentary lifestyle, currently generated by the use of technology.

They also paint, write stories and have fun while learning proper tooth brushing and flossing.

Nutritionist Silvia Vargas explained that having a captive group helps them measure and evaluate the progress in their lifestyles.

For example, they have been able to determine, with the group’s teacher, that more and more children carry a bottle of water to be hydrated during the day, which is a sign of their empowerment in adopting healthy habits,”

explained the specialist.

The plan also includes an annual meeting with parents. It provides feedback on the changes they see in minors and how they try to replicate good practices with the rest of the family.