American Expatriate Costa Rica

ANEP reaches agreement to modify project drafting

After the meeting with the legislator from the Social Christian Unity Party (PUSC), Aracelly Salas, the municipal sector unionists reached an agreement to modify the wording of the law reform that “had them worried for weeks.”

This was stated by Albino Vargas, secretary general of the Association of Public and Private Employees (Anep), detailing that two representatives of workers and an advisor from ANEP will be responsible for working jointly with Salas and staff of her office, to “correct the wording”.

The project under discussion is a reform to Article 155, Section B) of the Municipal Code:

The municipality may terminate work contracts with employer responsibility, based on technical studies related to the closure of programs, the forced reduction of services due to lack of funds or the integral reorganization of its dependencies that public services demand. For these purposes the municipal mayor, prior technical study, may adjust and approve functional changes and hierarchical dependence on work processes, already incorporated in the manual of institutional organization, provided that the general structures of the organization, their weights and counterweights are respected, powers and limits of action or, the fundamental and statutory rights of the servants.

Despite that “agreement”, Vargas said that

nobody should lower their guard. This is not easy and it does not look easy. The ANEP recommends to be well informed through WhatsApp, the sectionals and through these videos.”