American Expatriate Costa Rica

Are you a Xennial?

If you were born between 1977 and 1983 you are likely to feel “lost in space” between Generation X members and millenials. This makes you are a Xennial

A meme from Twitter and Facebook in recent days has put the word on the rug. Are you one of them?

The Xennial is part of a small generation that does not feel comfortable with Generation X’s anger or as sure of itself as the generation of millenials.

This group of young people is not young enough to be a millennial. They had their first cellphone when they were in the university. They left home after calling their friends by landline or from a public phone and the messages were passed on paper, written with a pen or pencil. They grew up with some basic notions of pre-digital technology, and they integrated in social networks as adults.

Dan Woodman, associate professor of sociology at the University of Melbourne in Australia, identified this segment of society and claims that they are a species of platypus, as they migrated from verbal and handwritten communication to digital technology.

Woodman told the site that the Xennials

had a childhood, youth and adolescence free from having to worry about social media and mobile phones. They had time to meet friends on weekends, talk on the landline but with the ability to adapt to new technologies.”

According to the meme, the Xennial are “a microgeneration between the Generations X and the Millenials before the original Star Wars trilogy was released. The Xennials had an analogical childhood and a digital adult life. They have the cynicism of the Generation X and the optimism of the Millenials.”