A tweet that warned of a tsunami in the Pacific caused fear in various sectors of the population. However, this was denied by the National Emergency Commission and the National Tsunami Monitoring System (Sinamot). So don’t believe it. A plane from the US Department of Defense detected a possible tsunami about 600 miles from the […]
Costa Rican salaries increased 4.3% this year
Costa Rican salaries increased 4.3% from September of last year to September this year, according to the Survey of the Salary Information Business System (SEIS), referring to the second semester of the year, prepared by PwC Costa Rica. With the study it was determined that the growth in wages for the year 2019 (4.3%) maintains […]
New Ebais in Ciudad Quesada will benefit 8,500 people
People insured in Dulce Nombre de Cedral, in Cuidad Quesada, will receive medical attention at the newly opened Ebais. It is a modern building, duly equipped, with all the conditions for better attention and with the capacity to meet the needs of the more than eight thousand inhabitants of Cedral, San Ramón and Dulce Nombre […]
Dengue cases continue to increase
In a little less than three weeks, dengue cases in the country increased by 1,800. As of October 19th, the Ministry of Health and the Costa Rican Institute for Research and Teaching in Nutrition and Health (Incense) reported 7,169 cases of dengue, while at the beginning of that month the figure was 5,338. Only ten […]
University students create detergent made from eggshells
A group of chemistry students from the University of Costa Rica (UCR) created a detergent made with eggshells. According to the teaching center, the product has a powder and liquid presentation and was designed to facilitate the work of the cleaning staff of the School of Chemistry. Proneat was born from the interest of helping […]
Hackaton focused on software to estimate impacts from natural disasters
This weekend, ten teams participated in the hackathon with the development of software that allows to estimate, in a short term, the impacts of disasters in the agricultural sector. For this competition, the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), CENFOTEC University, the National Animal Health Service (SENASA), World Animal Protection and Microsoft summoned university […]