The Judicial Investigation Agency (OIJ) identified a deceased man on Tuesday afternoon, after a water accident in Nosara, Guanacaste. The OIJ indicated that the victim responded to the name of Hans Jurguen Neuser, approximately 60 to 65 years old. The incident occurred at about 12:30 pm in the Guiones beach sector. According to the first […]
American was stabbed, his body shows signs of struggle
The Judicial Investigation Agency (OIJ) identified an American killed in Garabito de Puntarenas as Jason Allan New, 55. This was confirmed by the press department of the institution. The incident occurred at about 12:27 pm in a condominium located in Jacó on Monday, October 21st. The now deceased was found past noon after his partner […]
Company moves operation to Guatemala and dismisses 254 workers
Grupo Vidriero Centroamericano (Vical), better known in the country as Vicesa, dismissed 254 workers. This was reported by the company itself on Monday through a statement. The measure is due to the transfer of one of its furnaces that operated in Cartago to its plant in Guatemala, in search of lower operating costs. Vical’s traditional […]
Businessmen propose a salary increase of 2.53% for next year
The country’s private entrepreneurs proposed that next year all workers in the sector receive an average increase in wages of 2.53%. This was stated on Monday by the Costa Rican Union of Chambers and Associations of Private Enterprise (Uccaep) before the National Wages Council. The amount would apply to all those workers who receive the […]
Car owners will pay between 3% and 6% less for property tax
Good news for your pocket if you own a vehicle. The vehicle ownership tax will suffer a reduction of between 3% and 6% for next year. The Ministry of Finance confirmed that the reduction is due to a loss of value of much of the vehicle fleet. This tax is one of the components that […]
Weekend showers cause floods and landslides
The rains that occurred over the weekend in the country caused 28 incidents as floods and landslides in some areas. Sigifredo Pérez, chief of operations of the National Emergency Commission (CNE) reported that some of these events are associated with flooding due to saturation of sewer systems. According to the official, it was not necessary […]