According to a report issued in December by the Costa Rican Drug Institute (ICD), a total of six new synthetic drugs or psychoactive substances have been found after testing the bodies of victims. In October, a 13 year old girl died of a heart attack after ingesting one of the substances. The six substances are […]
Government signs contract to expand irrigation in Guanacaste
On Friday, President Chinchilla signed a contract to expand the Southern Irrigation Canal, located in CaƱas, Guanacaste. The project will expand a canal that is currently 8.5 km by 33.4 km and will add irrigation for 8,800 acres of land. Cost for the project is $ 13,820,000 and construction will start in March. Funds are […]
Ticos more willing to fight for water rights
An analysis of court cases involving water rights, show a marked increase in filings since 2008. A total of 134 cases have been filed since 2010 and most are related to the protection of water sources (60.5 percent), access to safe drinking water (35 percent) and the need for sanitation (4.5 percent). In particular communities […]
Costa Rican Consulate receives thousands of Nicaraguans in transit to Panama
In addition to accepting applications for visas to enter Costa Rica, the embassy in Managua is inundated by Nicaraguans who are applying for visas to travel through the country in route to Panama. According to officals with the consulate in Managua, a total of 23,000 visas have been issued between December 11th and January 6th. […]
Women smuggled drugs in their vaginas
Police at the La Reforma prison arrested five women and one man on charges of transporting narcotics to inmates. The drugs were discovered after one women complained of feeling ill, and a subsequent x-ray turned up a package, wrapped in condoms and inserted into her vagina. Another women, wearing a skirt was discovered after her […]
Digitization of permits to carry weapons reveals shortcomings of manual system
Following the implementation of a system to digitally process firearms permits, the Ministry of Security has detected 50 security guards that lacked successful completion of a firearms course. The false credentials were detected by cross checking information. Security officials are now preparing to run checks and cancel the permits of security companies that fail to […]