Among the merchants who are now accepting payment via the Zimp Smart phone application are Benetton, Trigo Miel, Ópticas Popular and the Antojitos restaurant in San Pedro. A total of 200 merchants have signed onto the system, which allows users to pay at the cash register with their Andriod based phone or Apple iPhone. User […]
70,684 border crossers paid land exit tax in December
The tax department collected a total of 163 million colones ($330,628) from people who crossed the border at land immigration checkpoints during the holiday rush. The tax is $5 per person, plus $2 for baggage, which must be inspected. Original Article in
Contract transport providers to protest on Monday
Informal tax drivers who operate under contract arrangements will take to the streets on Monday and block traffic in Pérez Zeledón, Guápiles and Limón. At issue are negotiations that have broken down and drivers who have lost their transport licenses. Original Article in Diario Extra
Exporters suffer delays and cancellation due to bad weather in the U.S.
A cold wave affecting the United States is causing delays in the exportation and delivery of goods, especially to customers in New York and the northern zone of the country. Particularly affected are floral exports, which producers are now trying to unload in the local market. However, the majority of exports are unaffected as 80 […]
450 law enforcement officers will monitor Tope and Carnival in Palmares
Four hundred and fifty officers of the security forces and monitor the “Tope” or horse parades at the Palmares Carnival, which will be held on January 16th and the 24th. Additionally, the Palmareña Civic Association, which organizers the event will monitor 16 surveillance cameras and erect six towers for police officers. Transit officers will be […]
2 percent have paid corporate tax
According to the Banco de Costa Rica, 2 percent of corporations have paid the annual tax of ¢199,700 for active corporations and ¢99.850 for inactive corporations. The tax, which is due by the last day of the month must be paid or corporations risk being dissolved after three years. Unpaid corporate taxes can eventually become […]