Tax payers who failed to file their income tax return on December 16 for the fiscal year that ended in September are subject to a file of 190,000 colones ($383). However, the penalty can be reduced by 80 percent for voluntarily filing at this time. Those who have registered with the tax office but have […]
700,000 voters under age 40 expected to swing election
According to experts polled by, the swing group of voters in the upcoming presidential election are the demographic of voters under age 40. This group is less likely to watch televised debates and expected to form last minute opinions based on information contained in the Internet and social media. Political analysts are saying this […]
Failure of Crucitas mine sinks town into oblivion
Rough and muddy roads surrounded by vacant homes in Crucitas de Cutris, San Carlos dominates the landscape following the closure of the Industrias Infinitos gold mining operation. Residents suffer the impression they have been abandoned in this region with little public services and limited access to clean water, just one mile from the border with […]
Government will install border outpost in North
The northern sector of Los Chiles will receive a basic customs, immigration and agriculture check point near the Santa Fe bridge, which is expected to reach completion in April. According to Mario Zamora, Minister of Security the check point would strengthen security in a sector were it is now limited. Currently, the bulk of people […]
State will allocate 250 million for Crucitas reforestation
During the next five years, the Ministry of Environment and Energy (Minae) has allocated about ¢50 million ($101,010) annually for reforestation and conservation of 800 hectares of forest in the community of Cutris Crucitas in San Carlos. Meanwhile, Canadian firm Industrias Infinito is expected for file an international arbitration claim against the Costa Rican government, […]
Central Bank has little room to vary interest rates and bands
Later his month the Central Bank will announce economic projections and fiscal policy for 2014. However, experts agree that the country’s fiscal situation, international markets and the pending election live little room for margin in setting interest and exchange rates. At present the economy is seen as having slow growth with inflation under control. Ideally […]