American Expatriate Costa Rica

Authorities caught “narcats” that carried drugs to inmates

On Sunday, the Penitentiary Police caught two cats who were trying to get drugs inside the Institutional Care Centers (CAI) Jorge Arturo Montero (Reforma) and Nelson Mandela (Pococí).

Both events happened in the afternoon hours. According to the report of the authorities, the felines were seen entering the center so the police immediately addressed the situation.

According to the confiscation record, the feline caught in the CAI Nelson Mandela carried a wrap of 158.9 grams, while the one at CAI Jorge Arturo Montero carried a charger, a hands-free kit, and a package of 286.00 grams of marijuana.

These new challenges encourage us to continue strengthening the police force, to continue counting on tools such as video surveillance systems, and to support the culture of prevention of situations of violence and promotion of peace in which the institution works,”

said the Deputy Director of Penitentiary Police, Nils Ching.

The prisons, specifically La Reforma in San Rafael de Alajuela, are besieged by cats, so prisoners took advantage of this and trained the animals to get the technological devices and drugs to the prison modules.