American Expatriate Costa Rica

Authorities on alert for synthetic drug in gay bars

A new synthetic drug has caught the attention of national authorities. Isopentyl nitrite is now a threat mainly used in gay bars.

National authorities report that the drug is already in neighboring countries, such as Panama. Although no cases have been detected in Costa Rica, it is believed that they could appear at any time.

They are common substances in gay bars. This type of drug is designed for people to have sex more easily,”

said Ronald Castro, a Forensic Expert at the Analytical Chemistry Section of the OIJ Forensic Science Complex.

Castro explained that this liquid drug is inhaled and allows to relax the sphincters to provide pleasure.

However, the specialist said that there are effects that alert authorities such as erectile dysfunction, increased heart rate, euphoria, headaches and temporary vision disorders.

It can also cause the loss of the conscience and risk of physical damages in case of consumption.