Map from executive summary of AyA report shows how the water would be distributed from Nimboyores.
Institute of Aqueducts and Sewers (AyA) is working on a pipeline that would transport water to the coast from the Nimboyores aquifer, and from the river of the same name in Santa Cruz Lorena. Water resources would substantially increase the development capacity at Reserva Conchal, one of the largest real estate developments in the province. The project would also supply communities in Flamingo, Brasilito, Potrero, Tamarindo, Huacas, and Matapalo.
The first stage of the project would tap three existing wells to bring 65 liter per second of water to the Reserva Conchal from a distance of 9 km. Tubing for the pipeline is already ready, and would be provided by Reserva Conchal. A fourth well would pump 80 liters per second. At least $2.5 million is needed for the project.
Advocate groups in Guanacaste are concerned that the project lacks transparency and have expressed doubts that water will actually arrive to benefit communities in the area. Instead, the project would promote expensive real estate development.