The removal of the Azoriano shrimp boat, which sank last week in Brasilito Beach, Guanacaste, was completed.
As reported by Nelson Soto, from the Bureau of Navigation and Safety of the Port Maritime Division of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport, authorities managed to remove almost all the remains of the vessel, such as propeller, rudder and part of the keel, as well as the engines, compressors and the remaining part of the hull that started to be removed from the sea on November 3th.
On November 6th, it was verified with a diver hired by the owner of the boat, Gerardo Marín Rojas, that there were no remains underwater.
He added that no oil leaks were detected after the final extraction. It wasn’t either seen any type of stain in the area.
However, authorities are waiting for the analysis of some tests conducted by the staff of the National University (UNA).