American Expatriate Costa Rica

Babies whose mothers suffered from zika virus during pregnancy will be under medical supervision for a year

Babies whose mothers were victims of Zika virus during pregnancy will be under medical supervision for a year, even if they were not born with microcephaly.

According to Daniel Salas, member of Health Surveillance from the Ministry of Health, there are disorders that may not be seen at birth.

The microcephaly may be perhaps the most flamboyant and striking of all the zika-related diseasew and it can be screened or early diagnosee at 28 weeks of pregnancy, which is very important, but there are some microcephalies that fail to be detected with ultrasound,

declared Salas.

Microcephaly is a condition in which a baby is born with a smaller head and brain and it is one of the major consequences associated with zika, but it is not the only one.

As explained by the doctor, this one-year monitoring will be to study the possible occurrence of auditory, visual and psychomotor development disorders, which are also associated with the virus.