American Expatriate Costa Rica

Beware! The ICE is not offering any prize!

The Costa Rican Electricity Institute (ICE) has the 800-DENUNCIE (33686243) toll-free telephone number, which aims to protect its customers or invite them to report fraud attempts made through calls, text messages, e-mail or usurpation of identity in registered services.

According to Juan de la Cruz Brenes Solera, chief of the Directorate of Protection and Security of the ICE, this decision was made due to a rebound of complaints.

Brenes informed that there are several signs of fraud that the customer must identify:

-Telephone calls from unknown numbers that offer prizes in exchange for bank deposits, telephone recharges or personal information.
-Reception of national or international text messages from unknown numbers that invite you to return the phone call or enter an unknown link or web browser .
-E-mails where they request to update passwords or personal information.