American Expatriate Costa Rica

Book and Employment Fair at the UCR

The University of Costa Rica (UCR) will open its doors to the Book Fair which will run until Friday August 26th.

This activity will start at 8:30 a.m. and end at 6 p.m., in the square on 24 de April, located in front of the Faculty of Social Sciences in the campus Rodrigo Facio, in San Pedro, Montes de Oca.

But this is not the only activity. There is an employment fair scheduled for August 18th and 19th in the “Pretil” and statue of Rodrigo Facio. The fair is organized by the Guidance Office with collaboration from the office of Student Life.

The idea of this fair is to bring the labor market to students who are about to graduate. They will have the opportunity of approaching the information booths of companies interested in recruiting, attending lectures and conferences that help them have a more assertive contact with employers, receive advice on how to write a resume, how to address a job interview and entrepreneurship.

Although it is an activity designed for students, it is open to the public and it is free.