American Expatriate Costa Rica

Bribi indigenous community will have their own travel agency

The first Bribi native community tour guides will open their own travel agency. They were trained for three years by representatives from the Costa Rica Institute of Technology (TEC).

The goal is to start an innovative concept that allows to learn about the huge cultural background of the area and protect the natural wealth of the region.

Melissa Espinoza, president of the Association of Bribi Tourist Guides from Talamanca (AGITUBRIT), explained that they want tourism to be respectful, harmonious with nature and to transmit the community’s culture and worldview.

In these tours, they will teach lengauages, traditional dances and practices, such as using the bow and arrow and everything that is related to their lifestyle.

The agency will be supported by the Costa Rican Tourism Institute (ICT). Until now, the guides have met the requirements of the first evaluation to obtain permits. They are now waiting for the second stage of the evaluation. The idea is that the agency is fully legalized in early 2017.