American Expatriate Costa Rica

Bus stops to Desamparados change in San José

From Monday, the bus stops of San Miguel and La Capri de Desamparados, changed locations in San Jose.

Now they are located in the 8th Avenue to follow routes number 70 San José-Desamparados -La Capri, from the company Autotransportes Desamparados, and 120 San José-Encinales, from the company Buses San Miguel Higuito, moved to the 9th street between Avenues 12 and 14.

Johnny Araya, Mayor of San José, said the change was made by a request from the municipality to the Public Transportation Council (CTP), in order to reduce traffic jams.

Since the construction of the pedestrian axis of the Paseo de los Estudiantes began, it had been decided that the stops that were originally there would be relocated once that pedestrian axis was established. Unfortunately, that never happened. Now that I have returned to the mayor’s office, I have continued negotiations with the CTP, which has resulted in the relocation of 2 important stops,”

explained the Mayor.