American Expatriate Costa Rica

Camera caught images of tapir and red brocket in Corcovado National Park

A tapir lying on the beach next to a sparrow hawk feeding on its fleas. This curious scene happened near the Sirena Biological Station of the Corcovado National Park, last December. It was recorded by Carlos Murillo, reserve park ranger.

The officer mentioned that this type of sightings are very frequent in this place.

The tapirs approach the beach to bask in the sun and so that the hawks take away the ticks, fleas and insects. In addition, these animals have become accustomed to the presence of tourists in the park, but no one bothers them or hunts them. Therefore, to a certain extent, they are more docile,”

said Murillo.

The park ranger pointed out that the video of the red brocket was recorded in La Chancha sector, inside the Corcovado National Park.

There are a lot of people who complain because they can’t leave the trails, but the park rangers do not go there. Therefore, it is necessary to make very clear that these images were taken in the forest of the reserve,”
