American Expatriate Costa Rica

Campaign helps you to properly dispose of electronic waste

If you have old cell phones, TVs that you no longer use, or computers whose new function is to accumulate dust in a yard or garage, you can properly dispose of them from April 1st to 6th at Cenfotec University.

The University located in San Pedro de Montes de Oca in coordination with the company FORTECH, specializing in waste management and recycling of various materials, will have special baskets inside and outside the campus so that people who arrive can leave the waste and contribute with the environment.

The most problematic subjects are lead, present in old television screens or computer monitors, as well as mercury, common in fluorescents and flat screen televisions.

It is important that people know what to do with electronic waste, so experts recommend:

• Reduce the use of electronic devices.
• Reuse electrical and electronic devices.
• Recycle electronic waste.
• Identify the nearest collection point.
• Try to maximize the life of the appliances.
• Unplug electronic equipment completely when not in use.

For more information you can send an email to, or call the telephone number 2281-1555.