According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), 29% of deaths in our country are a result of cardiovascular disease, makin it the main cause of death.
Stress, smoking, obesity, sedentary lifestyle and diabetes are some of the factors that increase the risk of heart problems.
September 29th marked the World Heart Day, which aims to raise awareness in the population – of all ages – of the importance of having healthy living habits and frequent medical check-ups.
The risk factors that lead to cardiovascular disease are preventable and the process between a person being healthy and the moment they become ill with something related to the arteries has no symptoms, so prevention is essential,”
said. Dr. Daniel Quesada, President of the Cardiology Association of Costa Rica and cardiologist at the San Vicente de Paúl Hospital.
The warning signs to identify potential vascular problems are: chest pain, shortness of breath, disproportionate fatigue, fainting and feeling of tachycardia.