Lewison Wood, a renowned British explorer, will show to the European television the climb of the Chirripó Mountain, as well as the experience of visiting Costa Rican forests. Wood, who was in the country during October and November, included Costa Rica as part of the destinations to be visited for his ‘Walking The Americas’ program. […]
The outstanding work of a doctor of the Mexico Hospital goes viral
On January 4th, Alejandro Rodríguez went to Mexico Hospital with his wife for an emergency and was pleasantly surprised when he was treated. Far from being ignored or mistreated as it happens in many cases, a doctor treated him in the best way, as no one had done before. This professional -because he deserves that […]
Prestigious media highlighted Costa Rica’s renewable energies
Costa Rica is news in many of the most prestigious media worldwide. Forbes, the world’s most influential business magazine, BBC World, La Vanguardia, and other media highlighted Costa Rica as a green country because much of its electricity is produced from renewable or clean sources. During 2016, Costa Rica spent more than 250 days using […]
Palmares Festival will start next week!
Palmares Festival will start on January 12th and it will run until March 24th. The Palmareña Civic Association (ACP), which organized the event, declared that this year, the celebrations will offer 5 novelties: 1. Barra Imperial and Hard Rock Cafe will offer a “lounge” proposal, which, according to the organizers, will provide more comfort to […]
Tired of being a “desk slave”, a Costa Rican man decided to travel the world
Neftalí Loria was tired of the routine. He could not be a “desk slave” anymore and 15 months ago he decided to start the greatest adventure of his life: to travel around the world with a camera and capture the best landscapes on the planet. Loría worked designing and programming websites. However, he decided to […]
Costa Rican beauty in three minutes!
8 months ago, Isaac Centeno, an independent film producer, set a personal goal: to visit a different place in Costa Rica and record it with his camera. He would make a video every time he went out so that people could appreciate the natural beauty of the country. At this time, he has visited 32 […]