In 2009, Correos de Costa Rica did not have resources to pay Christmas bonuses. The company had asphyxiating debts with the state. By that time 78% of its revenue came from traditional mail and only 22% from new services, such as courier and electronic services. Today the story is diametrically different, since in 2015 the […]
Uber in Costa Rica collects $67 million per year
Tuesday morning would be a good day to avoid travel through downtown San Jose. Two unions that represent taxi drivers are planning a protest to begin at 9:00 am at Parque Central. Instead of targeting the Solis administration, drivers will converge on the constitutional court and likely bring eastern San Jose to a stand still. […]
Shelter seeks help to care for and return animals to the wild
Refugio Herpetológico was founded in Santa Ana 13 years ago by a very young biologist, Rodolfo Vargas, who took up a difficult and expensive challenge: to rescue and rehabilitate wild animals and then release them in their natural habitat. Today, an average of 700 animals (monkeys, birds, snakes, turtles, lizards, leopards…) from all over the […]
Costa Rica Proposes Tax on Worldwide Income
A frequent rumor in Costa Rica is that Americans living here have trees that produce a limitless supply of dollars. From the Costa Rica point of view the income in dollars is not fully transparent, given that Costa Rica does not tax or require reporting of income earned abroad. However, if the government of Luis […]
Social Policy Root Cause of the Cuba Immigrant Crisis in Latin America
In recent years, Costa Rica has become one of the countries that immigrants from South America pass through on their long and perilous journey to the United States But during the last quarter of 2015 and the first quarter of 2016, the number of migrants, especially Cubans, reached record highs, putting enormous economic pressure and […]
Medicare Part A and the Affordable Care Act
Today is the last day of open enrollment under the Affordable Care Act, and for United States citizens and permanent residents to meet their responsibility to contract minimum essential coverage under federal law. Expats who plan to meet the bona fide residence test or the physical presence test, on their 2014 tax return return do […]