Internet connections in Costa Rica are getting faster, and one of the benefits of increased speed is the capability of watching high definition movies and television programs directly on a big screen television, via the Internet. While many of the newer televisions can be plugged directly into the Internet, they are not always equipped with […]
Original Articles and Expat Advice for Costa Rica
Globalization and Consumer Culture
Story of Stuff is a Youtube video that explains in easy to understand language the impact on people and the planet’s natural resources from the so called global materials economy. Much of the video will resonate with expats who have seen first hand, the pace of globalization in Costa Rica. In the past 3 decade, […]
CultureShock! Costa Rica
CultureShock! Costa Rica by Clarie Wallerstein is a refreshingly informative analysis of the history, customs, and culture of Costa Rica. While it covers much of the basic history that is repeated by relocation guides, it connects historical events to its social implications. The approach reveals in detail the “idiosincrasia” that is uniquely Costa Rican. For […]
Costa Ricans Consider Their Unique Form of Socialism
Americans who look at the 2014 presidential elections in Costa Rica are often tempted to make comparisons to the political system in the United States. However, as you learn more it’s clear that Costa Ricas are in a very different place, politically speaking. For example, the candidates that have captured most of the attention in […]
Watch Internet Movies the Easy Way on HDTV
For most, watching movies and television on a computer is an uncomfortable hassle. However, with a router VPN you can watch just about any movie or television program on your high definition television. Those living abroad may have missed the recent explosion of new instant, on demand programming that is threatening to put cable television […]
Corporate Ownership of Home Triggers FATCA Requirement
A frequent practice among expats in Costa Rica is to use a corporation to control ownership of property. However, doing so creates additional obligations under U.S. tax law. Enacted in 2010 as part of Obama’s economic stimulus package, FATCA is designed to stem offshore tax evasion and turn foreign banks, brokerages and insurance companies into […]