Foreigners that become legal residents in Costa Rica are required to keep current their cedula or identification document. The cedula renewal, which can cost up to $123, depending on immigration status can be done directly with immigration or with certain branches of the Banco de Costa Rica (BCR). In a recent article in, immigration […]
Original Articles and Expat Advice for Costa Rica
Banking Update Required: BN Has Online System
An article today in AM Costa Rica warned bank account holders of a year-end impending deadline to complete a form and update personal information. Similar reports have been published in the Spanish-language press since September. Those who fail to update their information risk having their accounts closed. Account holders at Banco Nacional have an option […]
Naturalized Costa Rican Citizen Not Able to Vote in Upcoming Election
A recently naturalized citizen of Costa Rica, with Belgian nationality is unable to vote in February elections and lost an appeal this week to the nation’s highest court, Sala Constitucional. At issue is the 12 month waiting period before a newly minted citizen is added to the election rolls. After the period, designed as a […]
When Americans become Illegal Immigrants
You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here; is a message that “perpetual tourists”, among the American expat community in Costa Rica are being to perceive. As is common with immigration issues, the issue is devise and rooted in the social problems connected with globalization. For those unfamiliar, a perpetual tourist is […]
New Rules for New Costa Rica Residents: Drivers License
A new traffic law that requires foreign holders of a Drivers License in Costa Rica to be legal residents is a potential problem for those who receive residency in Costa Rica. In the past, Costa Rica was generally willing to issue a license to holders of a valid foreign license. For most tourists this was […]
Costa Rica Has Obama Care Also: Sort of
According to the immigration policy (Law 8764, Ley General de Migración y ExtranjerÃa), which took effect in 2012, foreigners granted residency in Costa Rica are required to enroll in the state heath care system. The system, which dates back to the 1950s provides state-funded medical services to wage earners and the voluntarily enrolled. Qualifying the […]