American Expatriate Costa Rica

CCSS will apply protocol to serve trans patients from June

Before the end of the first semester of the year, the Costa Rican Social Security Fund (CCSS), would be implementing the protocol of attention for the trans population in the country, according to a press release by the institution.

Some 200 staff in general medicine, family medicine, endocrinologists, urologists, gynecologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers and administrative staff will be responsible for serving this group of the population.

The trans person must request the appointment at the first level of care, which will be provided by a general practitioner, then they go to clinical psychology; if deemed necessary, they should be referred to the psychiatry service and finally to endocrinology for hormone therapy,”

said Gloria Terwes, coordinator of the CCSS HIV and STI infection standardization program.

The work with the staff of the institution will be carried out between April 3rd and May 15th, by means of videoconferences, and the objective is that they are sensitized to the reality of the LGTBI population.

The authorities assured that they will provide the tools so that the medical teams give an integral attention to trans people, especially when they come to the consultation for hormone therapy in the clinics or EBAIS; as well as the professionals of clinical psychology, psychiatry, endocrinology of the second and third level of care in charge of providing trans people with the respective interventions for hormone therapy.

In 2017, the Board of Directors of the CCCSS instructed the development of therapeutic protocol for trans people and its comprehensive approach, with opportunity and good treatment. This protocol was approved last year.