On Thursday, the Comptroller General of the Republic (CGR) went to Liceo de Costa Rica as part of the “Together we are more” program, to state its proposal for citizen involvement, which is linked with the secondary education system: “Young Comptrollers2017.”
The objective of this project is to train, encourage and develop the active, responsible and inclusive participation of secondary school students through the integration of a so-called “Student Comptroller” and the implementation of a series of actions oriented in three central axes:
-Training in citizenship, rights and values for the prevention of corruption and its intolerance.
-Development of skills for the exercise of social control or citizenship in issues inherent to their reality that are of direct interest to the entire student community.
-Implementation of projection activities to the community in order to develop managerial skills in support of the realization of the general welfare.
With these initiatives, the CGR aims to impact the national community through the training of young people so that they can break the indifference of today’s society and can generate intolerance to all forms of corruption.
The “Together We Are More” program is supported by the Ministry of Public Education, the Vice Ministry of Peace and Youth, Mayors of various communities, the Costa Rican Anti-Drug Institute and other organizations interested in promoting the prevention of corruption and a better citizenship.