American Expatriate Costa Rica

Children and adults are invited to participate in free cultural workshops

Children, young people, and adults are invited to use these vacations to participate in a series of artistic and cultural workshops organized by the Jade Museum of the National Insurance Institute (INS).

These workshops are free and open to the public, so that families enjoy and learn for free. Those interested in participating must send an email to or call 2521-6610 or 22287600, extensions 2061, 2067 and 2051.

The workshops are at 9:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. the following days:
• January 13th: Past and Present Workshop: The Birds (aimed at people over 18 years old).
• January 20th: Boys and Girls Workshop in the Pre-Columbian Era (aimed at boys and girls from seven to nine years old).
• January 23rd: Decoding the Past: Archeology (aimed at children from seven to nine years old).
• January 27th: Forest Animals Workshop. (aimed at children from four to six years old).
• January 30th: Decoding the Past: Body Painting (for boys and girls from ten to twelve years old).

The Jade Museum is located near Plaza de la Democracia in San José and houses a collection of almost seven thousand pieces of jade, ceramics, and stone, and its heritage dates mostly from 500 BC to 1500 AD.